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r e t r o r o o m
In this special room, we have collected the candy you looked forward to as a child. Enjoy a trip into the sweetest and most delicious past!

t a f f y

We have 60 flavors of deliciousTaffy individually wrapped and waiting for you to enjoy!
Traditional Taffy like Caramel and Orange Cream
or for a real treat, try Pickle, Chili Mango or Chicken and Waffle!

s o d a s

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

DRINK UP! Like when you were a kid, enjoy a soda pop
for a fresh afternoon pick-me-up. Root Beers, Ginger Beer
& Orange Sodas! Your favorites available at Licorice Man!
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